Literary CoMo is your info hub for readings, talks, and other literary events in Columbia, Missouri.

Arts collectives, university creative writing departments, open mics, indie bookstores, a major regional book festival, literary magazines, longstanding and newly-emerging independent reading series—there’s no shortage of brilliant contemporary literature circulating our little pocket of mid-Missouri. We’re here to help you navigate it.

Under our “Events” tab you’ll find a running calendar of literary events about town. Book tour readings, visiting writers brought in by Columbia College, Mizzou, or Stephens, colloquium speakers, DIY workshops, poetry slams, any other literary biz—if it comes across our radar, we’ll put it up.

Under the “Orgs” tab, check out some info about CoMo’s many writing-related organizations. Bookstores, literary magazines, reading series—these are some of the staples that make Columbia’s literary scene so unique and vibrant. Check them out!

If you want to give us a heads up about an event to add, please feel free to send us an email at


Edited By:

Jacob Griffin Hall (he/him)

Cass Donish (they/them)